
Natural Treatment for Chemical Imbalance

How Does the Brain Deal with Trauma?

Experiencing traumatic events often changes the trajectory of our lives. When we experience trauma, our brains are flooded with adrenaline and other neurotransmitters. As a result, an imprint of the event is chemically tattooed in the emotional center. As a result the emotional portion of the brain continues in [...]

How Does the Brain Deal with Trauma?2023-01-10T15:45:16+00:00

What is Neurofeedback & How Does it Work?

Facing tough times can have serious implications on our mental health. We go through change, disappointments, traumatic events, and loss, which affects our ability to build relationships, cope, deal with stress, focus better on ourselves and recover from hardships. Anyone is likely to suffer from mental health problems at [...]

What is Neurofeedback & How Does it Work?2023-01-10T14:19:37+00:00

Depression & Insomnia: Are They Related?

Depression and insomnia are closely linked. For example, people with insomnia have a higher risk of depression than those who sleep well at night. But it begs us to ask: How are depression and insomnia? Either one can be the initiator of a poor night’s sleep. On one hand, [...]

Depression & Insomnia: Are They Related?2023-01-10T13:32:57+00:00

Creating a Positive Mindset

The mind is a powerful tool. When used correctly, it can propel you forward in life, give you peace, and manifest anything. However, you're not alone if you’re feeling unspirited and unmotivated. Many adults, and even children, feel stuck from time to time, making life a little more challenging [...]

Creating a Positive Mindset2022-11-10T16:05:24+00:00

Know the Warning Signs of Dementia

When medical experts talk about dementia, most people think it’s only one type of brain dysfunction. However, dementia is the umbrella term for memory loss or other cognitive issues that affect someone’s everyday life. These abnormal brain changes trigger a decline in thinking skills and the ability to remember [...]

Know the Warning Signs of Dementia2022-06-17T16:27:27+00:00

Spring Cleaning Your Emotions

It’s that time of year again! The birds are chirping, the days are longer, and everyone is itching to spring clean the house. During this time, when the weather starts getting nicer, people find they want to declutter their drawers, basements, and garages – ditching everything that reminds them [...]

Spring Cleaning Your Emotions2022-11-10T16:08:42+00:00

Five Ways Depression is Affecting Your Relationships

Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) affects nearly 3 million Americans every year. MDD often leaves individuals feeling worthless or battling lingering feelings of depression. Unfortunately, these common symptoms of MDD often trickle into relationships a person has with others, whether they be professionally, romantically, or even just platonically. Most people [...]

Five Ways Depression is Affecting Your Relationships2022-02-01T14:40:01+00:00
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