
Neurofeedback Brain Training

Is Your Gut the Cause of Your Anxiety?

The relationship between your gut and your brain is unique. In fact, your gut is lined with more than 100 million nerve cells and houses more than 70% of your immune system, thus classifying it as the “second brain.” Your gut communicates with your brain all the time, telling [...]

Is Your Gut the Cause of Your Anxiety?2022-11-10T16:07:36+00:00

Spring Cleaning Your Emotions

It’s that time of year again! The birds are chirping, the days are longer, and everyone is itching to spring clean the house. During this time, when the weather starts getting nicer, people find they want to declutter their drawers, basements, and garages – ditching everything that reminds them [...]

Spring Cleaning Your Emotions2022-11-10T16:08:42+00:00

7 Strategies to Stop Overthinking & Decrease Anxiety

Do you constantly find yourself in the cycle of “What If” thinking? What if they never call me back? What if I say the wrong thing? What if I don’t finish this assignment on time? These are just a few examples of things that can lead us to overthink [...]

7 Strategies to Stop Overthinking & Decrease Anxiety2022-11-10T16:09:37+00:00

TBIs and Dementia: Is There a Link?

It’s long been speculated that traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) can cause dementia disorders later in life. Dementia is a general term for the decline in mental abilities as we age, often resulting in severe interference with daily life. One of the most common types of dementia is Alzheimer’s Disease, [...]

TBIs and Dementia: Is There a Link?2022-03-15T13:26:49+00:00

The Physical Effects of Anxiety

At some point in life, we all experience anxiety. The racing heartbeat and shallow breaths prepare you to either face your fear head-on or run from it. We can’t avoid anxiety since it’s a natural response meant to keep us alive. However, it does become an issue when symptoms [...]

The Physical Effects of Anxiety2022-11-10T16:10:22+00:00

The Link Between Depression and Irritable Bowel Disease

Many people know that irritable bowel disease and depression often go hand in hand. However, there is no research to suggest that IBD causes depression and vice versa. Still, that doesn’t stop some people with IBD from suffering from depression, and it doesn’t prevent depression sufferers from experiencing some [...]

The Link Between Depression and Irritable Bowel Disease2023-12-07T14:38:34+00:00

Does Neurofeedback Change Your Personality?

For many people who walk through the doors of Grey Matters, mood and mental disorders have been affecting them for years, shaping their everyday experiences, thoughts, and behaviors. In some cases, people think their mental illnesses even define them and their personalities. So, it’s really not that shocking when someone [...]

Does Neurofeedback Change Your Personality?2022-02-01T14:40:27+00:00

Building a Good Foundation for Mental Health

We all know that taking care of our physical health is important. For example, we go to the dentist regularly, try to drink water, eat healthy foods, and make sure we see our physicians at least once a year. All of these put together are the foundation for which [...]

Building a Good Foundation for Mental Health2022-11-10T16:17:35+00:00

Breaking Free from Your Mental Health Diagnosis

Mental health care often falls to the bottom of the priority list. We get so swept up in life and daily activities that we forget to take time to check in on ourselves. However, mental disorders often come with physical symptoms such as fatigue and appetite changes, making them [...]

Breaking Free from Your Mental Health Diagnosis2022-11-10T16:18:17+00:00

October is National Depression Education and Awareness Month

According to the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance, nearly 14.8 million people in the United States are affected by Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). As a result, suicide is the third leading cause of death for people ages 15-24. While depression can vary in severity and onset, many sufferers find [...]

October is National Depression Education and Awareness Month2022-02-01T14:40:09+00:00
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