
Natural Treatment for Mental Health

10 Signs You’re Living with Brain Fog

Are you feeling unmotivated, unfocused, and easily distracted? You may struggle with a common but overlooked condition called "brain fog." Brain fog can cause feelings of scatteredness and confusion, leading to poor concentration and a lack of productivity. This is especially common for people with trauma and previous brain [...]

10 Signs You’re Living with Brain Fog2023-03-31T12:57:24+00:00

Why Sitting All Day is Harming Your Mental Health

How do you spend your daily life? Perhaps you work from or in the office while sitting all day typing away countless data sheets, or you may also be a student who studies diligently in front of your desk. In your leisure time, you most probably spend your day [...]

Why Sitting All Day is Harming Your Mental Health2023-03-31T12:57:59+00:00

What is Emotional Intelligence & Do You Have It?

Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to recognize and understand one's own emotions and the emotions of others and to use this awareness to manage one's own behavior and relationships effectively. It is a key factor in personal and professional success and can be developed and improved upon throughout [...]

What is Emotional Intelligence & Do You Have It?2023-01-06T14:04:12+00:00

January: Mental Wellness Month

January is Mental Wellness Month, and it's an important time to focus on our mental health and well-being. With the stresses of daily life, it's easy to overlook our mental health and the impact it has on our overall health and happiness.One of the best ways to manage mental health [...]

January: Mental Wellness Month2023-01-06T13:39:03+00:00

5 Ways Neurofeedback Can Boost Your Professional Career

Neurofeedback training helps individuals improve their brain function by providing them with real-time feedback on their brain activity. It has been shown to be effective in helping people with a variety of conditions, including anxiety, depression, ADHD, and even insomnia. However, neurofeedback can also be a powerful tool for [...]

5 Ways Neurofeedback Can Boost Your Professional Career2023-01-10T16:01:19+00:00

Emotional Dysregulation & How Neurofeedback Can Help

Emotional dysregulation is a term used to describe an inability to effectively manage or cope with emotions. It can manifest in various ways, including outbursts of anger or crying, difficulty controlling impulses, and problems with relationships and social interactions. Furthermore, emotional dysregulation is often accompanied by other mental health [...]

Emotional Dysregulation & How Neurofeedback Can Help2023-01-10T16:05:30+00:00

How Does the Brain Deal with Trauma?

Experiencing traumatic events often changes the trajectory of our lives. When we experience trauma, our brains are flooded with adrenaline and other neurotransmitters. As a result, an imprint of the event is chemically tattooed in the emotional center. As a result the emotional portion of the brain continues in [...]

How Does the Brain Deal with Trauma?2023-01-10T15:45:16+00:00

Ask Her What She Carries

*This piece comes from eatpraypost.com. It’s powerful, and we couldn’t have said it better ourselves. So, we’re sharing it with you all!* There’s something about her. She’s beautiful. She walks around with confidence, and through her laughter and her attitude, it appears as though she is a happy woman. [...]

Ask Her What She Carries2022-09-30T12:25:39+00:00

What is the Difference Between Complex PTSD and PTSD?

Be it Complex PTSD or PTSD, trauma can affect your life significantly. When you experience a traumatic event, you are likely to experience symptoms like fear, sadness and guilt. These and other symptoms are signs of PTSD or Complex PTSD. The brain’s main concern when it comes to experiencing [...]

What is the Difference Between Complex PTSD and PTSD?2023-01-10T15:35:27+00:00

Living with Someone with Bipolar Disorder

Living with bipolar disorder is a challenge. So is living with someone who has bipolar disorder. Bipolar Disorder (BD), formerly called Manic Depressive Disorder, is a mental health condition that causes extreme mood swings, including emotional highs (mania) and lows (depression). Thankfully, neurofeedback training from Grey Matters of Carmel [...]

Living with Someone with Bipolar Disorder2023-01-10T16:05:47+00:00
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